Monday, January 31, 2011


Do you ever dream of a perfect world? Imagine, for a minute, if we all lived in a perfect world. Imagine the whole earth is at peace. Imagine if we got the house we wanted, the car we wanted and that money would just come into our possession whenever we wanted it. Imagine that we all got to do whatever it was we love to do for a living and that it would pay vast sums of money without any of us having to try really hard to get it. Imagine we could also go anywhere we wanted and visit all the places of the world with ease. Wouldn't that kind of world be great to live in? Or would it.....

Think real hard about it for a minute. If we somehow got everything we ever wanted and everything happens to fall into place for you, what kind of life would that be?

In a perfect world, there would be no challenge, no sense of accomplishment and there would be no such thing as success. In a perfect world there would be no motivation to do anything, no sense of purpose in life, and there would be no sense of fun. In short, life would be boring. It's kind of like playing your favorite game where you always win or playing your favorite video game with cheat mode on. Sure it may be fun at first, but then after a while you'll start getting bored. Now imagine having to play this game every day. You'd get bored to tears after playing this game for several years (if not weeks, days or even hours).

In a perfect world, you'd run out of places to go, get tired of the cars you drive and you'll start struggling to think of things to do. This is probably the reason why so many successful entrepreneurs who sell their businesses for many millions of dollars eventually find themselves back to work again. These entrepreneurs started their businesses so that they could live in a perfect world and for a time, they enjoyed it, but in the end, they got bored and eventually went back to work (even though they didn't have to).

The land is clean and beautiful. Wild animals are abundant and yet friendly. They are not afraid of man, for no one ever abuses them. Everyone is honest and kind. Mates are faithful and children are loved. Everyone is happy to serve for the good of all. No one has to slave long hours for low wages. No powerful elite exploits the weak. Things are made to last and are repairable, and are recycled when no longer needed. People are responsible and take care of their belongings. Of course there still is work to do, but it is shared fairly. All have time to travel and visit, to develop artistic interests and hobbies. Everyone is healthy, there is no need of doctors, medicines or insurance. In this perfect world, everyone stays young! Can you imagine such a world?

Throughout history people have dreamt of making life perfect, but no one has been able to do it. Politicians always promise a better life for all if they win office, but their greatest skill seems to be spending vast amounts of money. Scientists sometimes predict a grand new world will come from their research, and it is true, modern technology has improved life in many ways. Yet science has also brought us fiendish weapons of war, high-pressure working conditions, and devastating pollution. In fact, the world is now in serious trouble, particularly in the area of human relations. Sexual perversions are widely accepted. Many marriages are harsh and brief, and many children are neglected and abused. Even small children commit violent crimes with no trace of pity or remorse. Ethnic and religious wars rage on for years. Billions of decent, hardworking people live in miserable poverty, while a few who do very little work live in luxury.

So you might dismiss ideas of a "perfect world" as foolish dreaming. Yet we cannot help but long for such a life. Why does life have to be so insecure, so troubled, so short? What prevents real progress?

A look at the natural world makes us wonder. There is so much that is beautiful: intricate flowers with delicate colors and delightful scents, brightly colored birds singing cheerful songs, glorious yet subtle shades of magnificent sunsets! Have you watched kittens or puppies playing, or studied the wings of a butterfly? What potential life has for enjoyment and delight! Yet even in the natural world there is predation, parasitism, pestilence, poison and pain. No, wilderness is not a paradise. So is it foolish to think it could ever be made so?

If you could be living in a perfect world, what would your dream life be like? Would you like to be in a place that has a warm climate year round? Or would you like to start doing something you have never had the courage or money to do? In your dream life, everything would be wonderful and great. The little things in your world that are bothersome would not seem so important anymore. Everything in your little world would be just peachy.

Also, in your perfect dream world, there would be no aches and pains. You would be in tip top health. There would be no concerns about weight and blood pressure issues. There would be no cancer or AIDS in your dream life.

You would have happy dreams in your dream life. The events of your average day would not weigh you down when you went to sleep at night. You would begin to feel better emotionally as well as physically due to getting enough sleep. In your dream life, money would not be the thing that was most important to you. Time to spend with those you love would be of the greatest importance. You would have more on your mind that just making a buck.

You would have the drive and ambition to find your true self in your dream life. It would be beautiful if you were able to spend your time making yourself the person you have always wanted to be. You could have privacy to do the things you have always wanted to do. In your dream life, there is nothing bad happening in the world. Everyday would begin sunny and end the same way. There would be no worries about time and money and world events. Those issues would already be taken care of.

This perfect world begins with each one of us. Instead of dreaming about this, help to make it a reality. Be kind to those around you. Help others when they need it. These simple tasks will help make the world a better place to live in. The belief in a perfect world is not enough. It needs to be made a reality. Try to help achieve this by helping out your fellow man at every opportunity you have. It may seem a bit ambitious, but each and every one of us is the first step towards having the dream life every day.

In the real world, our lives are full of obstacles, but we should consider these obstacles as things that make are lives more interesting. Consider these obstacles as challenges and it's totally up to you to overcome them. You will find that these challenges will often help you find your life's purpose.

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